It’s already been a year and the month of March was a disruptive one, here at the Toast. We have to admit that it hasn’t been without challenges. With the storms early on in the month, our ADSL was fried and it took the better part of a month to get it sorted.
We moved out of our comfy office into a temporary (non-client friendly holding space) for two weeks, while the builders broke down walls and prepared our new HQ. Thank you for your patience to our clients who braved the temp office … we know it wasn’t pretty! The smell of paint and glue had tempers frayed, but now that’s all behind us and we’ve moved into a fabulous new space (same building, same floor — just on the other side of the patio).
Erik has been hard at work in any spare moments he has to re-create our famous photo wall. The blackboard is done, so no worries, if you visit us, we won’t make you paint anything. The walls are all blue, just like the sky at The Toast, and sports hand-painted fluffy white clouds. We introduced ox-blood red doors to the mix along with a golden caramel toast wall (pic background), which when finished will house an impressive display of retro toasters, given new life! And of course our coffee machine is still working overtime, so feel free to pop in for a cuppa Jo with us!
So now that we’re re-settled, have our 2013 budget in place and a VAT registration certificate — which took the whole year (yay!) — we’re ready to take things up a notch. We believe in celebrating our firsts, and it is in this spirit that we’ll be toasting our 13 clients at our first birthday party on Friday the 13th @ Toast HQ in Woodmead. Hope to see you here. You might just need to walk under a ladder and cross a black cat to make it ;)
Happy Easter, bunnies!