
First we build the tools, then they build us

Marshall McLuhan

Twisted Toast Digital excels at storytelling, mostly on your behalf to achieve your own business and brand growth goals, but also for our own creative expression. Usually we write the articles and stories that appear here about media and marketing trends, but sometimes we venture into our own personal life experiences too.


With a team well versed in storytelling, The Toast offers its own diverse perspectives on our professional world of brand development in communication, media trends and life in general

Librarians unite

31 Mar 2016|Posts|

How the humble library search gave birth to Google By Louis Eksteen A friend’s son in grade nine recently received career guidance counselling at school. After completing a battery of aptitude and other tests, he was [...]

Super-charged Like

26 Feb 2016|Posts|

Loving the Like By Kim Browne   Like is so over-used and I’m just loving the new Facebook emojicons. I had to physically stop myself from loving, wowing and laughing my way through the latest posts this [...]

Work that Works for You

Design, brand development, websites, native mobile apps, creative and brand-relevant writing, custom publishing, eCommerce, advertising…

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do you need intelligent brand development that resonates with your audience?

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