
About Louis Eksteen

Louis Eksteen is a digital marketing and media expert manager and creator capable of significantly improving brand value with hybrid marketing campaigns that blend digital and traditional channels effectively. He is a writer and editor, as well as a mobile app expert and an authoritative generative artificial intelligence prompt development specialist.

A social mixup

By |2022-07-05T12:08:04+02:0028 Nov 2014|Posts|

A mixup of personal and business on social By Louis Eksteen The world of social media causes interesting mixups. Personal and business lives are much closer these days than in a past when one's personal and [...]

Holdouts lose

By |2022-07-05T12:12:30+02:0026 Sep 2014|Posts|

Why holdouts lose in the long run By Louis Eksteen A holdout is someone who refuses to accept change. They appear in all walks of life. Property holdouts are those people who refuse to sell their [...]

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