
First we build the tools, then they build us

Marshall McLuhan

Twisted Toast Digital excels at storytelling, mostly on your behalf to achieve your own business and brand growth goals, but also for our own creative expression. Usually we write the articles and stories that appear here about media and marketing trends, but sometimes we venture into our own personal life experiences too.


With a team well versed in storytelling, The Toast offers its own diverse perspectives on our professional world of brand development in communication, media trends and life in general

Why ShowMax is no Netflix

25 Sep 2015|Posts|

ShowMax compares poorly to Netflix, real TV apps ShowMax was launched recently in a blitz of publicity and advertising. Tech insiders were quickly gushing South Africa’s Netflix has arrived. But has it really? I don’t think so. Not if you’ve actually got the real Netflix. Or HBO NOW, Showtime, Hulu, Amazon Prime Instant Video or even almost the whole Roku catalogue. The launch of ShowMax has all the hallmarks of a not-well-thought-through, quick “just get it done” project. I can imagine the panicky boardroom exchange: “Netflix is coming! We need internet video on demand. Just get it done!”

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