First we build the tools, then they build us
Marshall McLuhan
Twisted Toast Digital excels at storytelling, mostly on your behalf to achieve your own business and brand growth goals, but also for our own creative expression. Usually we write the articles and stories that appear here about media and marketing trends, but sometimes we venture into our own personal life experiences too.
With a team well versed in storytelling, The Toast offers its own diverse perspectives on our professional world of brand development in communication, media trends and life in general
Three drivers of our digital lives
Privacy, immediacy and dependency By Louis Eksteen Recent statements by Mark Zuckerberg, co-inventor of Facebook (depending on who you ask), frequently mention an apparently significant move towards protecting the privacy of users. The new Facebook [...]
FAANG threatens as it profits
The internet is freedom, but at what cost? By Louis Eksteen I love nothing more than to Netflix and chill. My first purchase on Amazon took place on 26 May 1997 and I’ve been with [...]
Viva freedom
The Toast is eight candles young By Kim Browne Twisted Toast turned eight on 1 April 2019. It's hard to believe how quickly time seems to pass when you're busy. Time truly is relative. The [...]
Making it onto the red eye to Slaapstad
lastminute.comness By Louis Eksteen I’ve earned an unfortunate nickname over time. Last Minute Louis. Totally undeserved, I might add. But I do tend to “sometimes” leave things a tad late. It’s not that I like [...]
Giving is caring
Your Content Goes Here The feel-good of helping others By Kim Browne Earlier this week we were privileged to attend the annual Atterbury Trust bursary student event. Held at Die Klubhuis, Atterbury’s [...]
Canned intelligence
Emailing robots By Louis Eksteen Over the holidays I brushed up on my ping pong skills with my godson. He had already downloaded an iOS game before we left, which we used in preparation. Real [...]